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Automation Test Engineers will work on designing, programming, simulation, and testing new or existing software. Automation Testing is a technique used to test the software by checking and comparing the output received with the assumed or expected.

* Prices excl. VAT for UK clients

When you subscribe to our services, you agree to our Terms of Engagement. Click here for full Terms of Engagement.


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    Core responsibility is to design and execute automated tests by creating scripts that run testing functions automatically. Maximizing test coverage for the most critical features of the system.
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    Our engineers are proficient in most programming languages, automation testing tools (Selenium, JMeter, Appium, etc.) and test management tools (JIRA, Xray, Bugzilla, TestPad, etc.)
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    They each have excellent time management skills, create clear and accurate reports and keep stakeholders updated with superb communication skills.
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    Remoteli employees are all University educated, experienced in their roles and have professional English communication skills.
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    Each subscription is for a dedicated employee focused on supporting your company and is available to be integrated with your company.